I'm a Belgian based artist, who likes to work both traditionally and digitally.
Even as a little kid i was very interested in drawing, coloring, doing arts and crafts..
My parents or grandparents would give me some pencils and paper, and I could easily keep myself busy for hours.
Teenagers often lose interest in drawing, not me. I found books on how to draw in my dad's old schoolbook-collection from his days as a teacher. I pretty much tried to copy every single page. Even trying to sell my creations in my mother's flower shop.
In highschool I would get into trouble for not paying attention and drawing all over my textbooks. It once even landed me in detention.
When the moment came to choose where to go to college, I chose "Digital arts and entertainment" in Kortrijk. There I discovered my love for digital painting.
Now, in adult life, I still can't put my pencil down, just like when I was that little kid that got given some paper and markers. Continuing to learn and further my skills, looking at artist I admire, or just let the inspiration come and create freely.
I sell my work at conventions, I still get excited about trying a whole bunch of new mediums, am constantly interacting with fellow artists and have the drive to work on bigger and more exciting projects.